Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sex Is A Forbidden Word

NA,(2017) Pixabay: Sex Offenders 

In the Junior Humanities class, Policy we learned about the Legislative branch and how it works. We studied cases in history and how the legislative branch used there power in the matter. We went to a city council meeting and we saw the mayor Rahm Emmanuel. Even though the meeting didn't talk about the topics we wanted, we got to see how issues are brought up and the system they go through. For this Action Project we had to make a persuasive essay about an issue and a legislator that can address the issue. I choose house representative of the distract I live In which is Barbara Currie. My issue was sex offenders. The most challenge thing that happened was finding an issue that I was passionate about, as well as finding a person that could address the issue. I got through these challengers by looking for bills that weren't passed yet. Finding a person that could actuallyadress the issue my teacher suggested using someone that was in my distract so I chose her.


GCE Lab school

1535 N Dayton

Chicago, IL, 60642

April, 27, 2017

Barbara Currie

Representative office of the 25th district

1303 E 53rd St

Chicago, Illinois 60615

 "Sex offenders" those words can ruin someones life. Remember how you parents always said not to talk to strangers , Yeah sex offenders are the reason why. I would like to talk about having a Sex Offender Registry Task- Force. Ms.Currie this task force would help the people that live in Illinois keep watch for the Sex Offenders. It allows them to get involved, ask questions and give advice to the task force. Children and adults get assaulted everyday but  "approximately 30% of sexual assault cases are reported to authorities.” according to the National U.S Department Of Justice. This force would make it easier for those who have been assaulted to speak up and talk to the task force.
  Children are scared they don't know what to do, some don't even know they are being assaulted. Others are told that it is okay and they don't tell the adult. this is why only“62,939 cases of child sexual abuse were reported in 2012” According to the U.S National Department Of Justice. I can’t even imagine how this number has changed now in 2017. Recently, a teenage girl was by taken by her teacher.  He will be charged with aggravated kidnapping and sexual misconduct with a minor. To put your child in a place where you think they are safe and they get abducted is shocking to anyone. Even where I live there are there 3 sex offenders within a mile of me.

I am a student at GCE Lab School in Chicago. I am writing to you about the sex offender task force. This task force would help the community as a minor growing up in Chicago, I feel like it is so easy for a child to get abducted especially in my neighborhood where everyone knows each other and trusts each other. I think it would benefit the community to have a task force for the residents so they can keep in contact. This task force would help girls and boy all over Illinois and maybe it can spread to other states.This is the bill maybe be passed would help a lot of people. It is called the HB 5572, It is  in the process of being passed it will discussed January 1, 2018 and the materials will be discussed the same day the next year.  But I think there should be more that the Force does, for example like deciding whether or not the case should be passed on to the police. Having a Sex Offender Task- Force can be a bad thing as well people can use the task force as a way to make false reports. Having a false report is bad because people can be put a person into the registry and they didn't even do anything. People can also use this information as a way to ruin the lives of those that are on this registry as well. To stop these problems, I feel like the registry should only be allowed to see the people on the registry.  As far as false reports the task force should be able to look into the case first before it is brought to the police. Far too often the lives of children and adults are ruined by th , sex offenders. This task force would help with these problems and keep the community involved. I do think that this force should be able to investigate the reports.

Thank You I would appreciate your help so much.

Sincerely ,


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Truss 3000

For our first unit of the Junior STEAM class Urban Planning, We learned about different types of bridges like truss bridges, suspension bridges and more. We also learned about the law of sine and cosine and Newton's Law's. We even went downtown to see the different types of bridges. We went to Maggie Daley park and went on the bridge it was my favorite Field Experience. My favorite was learning about triangles and how they are the best thing to build on, because it helped me, my partner LS and I with making our bridge as far as design. I am very proud of how the bridge turned out, it did take a long time to get it to dry. Our bridge was 61.4 grams and handled 41 pounds.