All over the world there are offensive media images mostly of women. Another problem is women being under paid compared to men. This issue has been around for a long time. For example in Iceland which is the top country to have settled some of woman’s rights problems, where having there in own problems. In 1975 woman stopped working and they all walked out that was 90% of women in Iceland. These women made Iceland come to a standstill. Later women noticed so many changes when they came back later that night and noticed that their husbands where wore out from watching the kids some even bribed there oldest to watch the children too.
Some countries in the world are trying to widen their job in
politics and giving there stereotypically male jobs to women. Norway in the last couple of years 2013 to be
specific appointed a female Prime Minister Erna Solberg.
40% of seats in the
national parliament are held by women in Norway. And gender distribution in
Norway among leaders is 35.7% women and 64.3% is men. These number are improving
but not even close to being the end of the problem. The gender gap in the work
force between the ages of 20 -66 yrs. old is 82 % man a 77% women in Norway. Iceland
is also trying to solve the gender equality by making Women’s participation in
the labor market. Also today, women make up 47% of the labor force,
compared to 38% in 1970. The gap has narrowed but
not disappeared, with women earning close to 80% of men's dollar.
Norway and Iceland
are both trying to fix their gender equality problems. Both have some problems
in their country but aren’t even close to accomplishing the goal of everyone being
equal no matter what gender or anything because anyone who is qualified can do
that job too even if there a woman they should get paid the same. Right? Iceland is the top country trying to solve
gender equality problems. Norway has a female prime minister which makes woman
look more respectable because it doesn’t have woman in an inappropriate light in
social media.
Norway and Iceland are both trying to get their gender equality
issues in control. Iceland is the top country to have some of their gender equality
issue fixed or better. while Norway made a female prime minister. There are so
many statistic that prove this and that show that they have a long way to go to
end in this problem.
The purpose of this assignment was to inform people of the offensive media images and how they contribute to women not being paid fairly in the work force. I learn that women went on strike to show men how much they are needed in this world. the challenge was finding statistic in Norway that I wanted to use. I am proud of the fact that I did this assignment to the best of
my ability.

(GCE Lab school, spring 2015,Mdgs and You, humanities, research paper)
The purpose of this assignment was to inform people of the offensive media images and how they contribute to women not being paid fairly in the work force. I learn that women went on strike to show men how much they are needed in this world. the challenge was finding statistic in Norway that I wanted to use. I am proud of the fact that I did this assignment to the best of
my ability.

(GCE Lab school, spring 2015,Mdgs and You, humanities, research paper)
MLA:Web. 16 Nov. 2015
Labor market: the supply of available workers in relation to
available work.
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