In the Junior STEAM course Light, Sound & Time. In our first unit "Light",We learned about the different facets of light from how light works, where it comes from, the speed of light, white light, prisms, the color spectrum, reflection, refraction, mirrors and more. Another thing we learned about was cameras and the human eye, how the human eye is similar to cameras. For this action project we made a pinhole camera: an object with a small hole in one side covered with a lid and absolutely light proof. It works by light passing through the aperture and projects an image onto photosensitive paper We made our cameras using either shoe boxes or Quaker Oats cardboard containers. We painted them black on the inside to absorb the light. If you make it white it will reflect light and ruin the picture. We made a hole in the aluminum foil lens using the point of the tack in the front of the container. We used pieces of a Sprite can. During this class we visited the Latin School to see the dark room and use it to take and develop our pictures - some turned out bad but others didn’t. After the shutter is opened and light enters the camera, It’s very important that you don't open the shutter for too long because the time it’s open affects the picture.
ACL(2017)Pinhole Camera.
My camera illustrates the eye. The light passes through the pinhole and projects an upside-down image on the back of the box. In the human eye, light passes through the lens and projects an upside-down image on the retina. My camera uses neither refraction or reflection. Refraction is light slowing down and changing angle. Reflection is bouncing back of light after hitting any surface. My lens was open for 1 minute and 33 seconds. If I could change anything I would have my shutter open for a smaller time because the ones that were open for less time came out better. I made a triangle diagram to see what the outcome would be if made similar triangle with them. The diagram is the calculations I made using the width and the distance from pinhole to the bottom of the container and the pinhole to the back of the camera.
AL(2017)Picture. |
ACL(2017) Similar Triangles |
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