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Mculloch Topher,"Never Again", Creative Commons (2016) |
Flashes of red, white and blue
A commitment of patriotism
“We protect all and serve all”
They enter my solitude
Busting down my train of thought just like the door
I am now Bound to my fait
Silver shackles, shining just like the moon
The cries of my mother vibrate my body
My skin deep like the color of coffee
I feel a hard stick, my goosebumps flinch
Vivid images of my dreams flash like the police lights
No one will see it but me
But no one cares
if you have a heart of gold
Or If you got a bright future ahead
But if you got threat written on your forehead
You are catch their attention
But bullets fly and people die
Children cry and car alarms amplify
Was it really worth it?
Here we go again another Mcdonald on the news
You tried to play hide and seek
Rage! is all that will come soon
We hope this will come to an end when the gavel meets its end
Thank you Trump for supporting the violence
He didn't even care about Charlotte
Now everyone's questioning Jamie Kelvin
Like he is to blame for killing the children
Try to help and you'll end up dead
HMM I wonder why
When the light shines in the sky
And the holiday lights sparkle
That people think that crime will die
Again and again
We end up in the pen
Again and again we see the end
Again and again i feel the pain and know it has my name
Written in cursive
The cold metal bars against my skin make my skin crawl
The days of the water tower and friends has come to an end
I have ended up in the pen
My moms warmth is slowly dimming
My eyes are slowing closing
My age is adding up
My heart is drying up
I am old now
I am free now
I just wanted peace on earth
I wanted peace in my city
I wanted children to stop dying
I wanted ignorance to stop
I wanted acceptance for who I AM
Again and again
We want and want
What do we do?
How do we do it?
Can we do it?
We should be unified
I want to See the 47th street sign
I Know I have re-entered my solitude
I can dry my mom’s tears
We hear the sirens, we see the pain
And what is there to gain
In the end we are all the same
In the end we see violence
Violence is a second- rate
It shouldn't be celebrated on postcards
My poem is about violence. It was important to me to write about this topic because there is so much of it going on especially now that it is coming towards another holiday season there will be more crime on the news. My poem begins to talk about a child being arrested by the police at his/her home. It later on talks about violence as well as police brutality and riots in general. For example in my poem I mention “They enter my solitude” This is talking about the police entering the house of he/she and taking them in custody.My poems moves on to speak about the thoughts of he/ she and what they think will happen to them and what is happening around them,“The cries of mom vibrate my body” I talked about Laquan Mcdonald as well in my poem which is want I was referencing to in the line “Here we go another mcdonald on the news. I also talked about the article where people are questioning where Jamie Kelvin who is a journalist who found the information about Laquan Mcdonald got his sources, “Now everyone's questioning Jamie Kelvin”. As well as mentioning Jamie Kelvin I mentioned Donald Trump who is the president of the United States. I mentioned him in reference to Charlottesville because he took a long time to respond to the death of Heather Hyer in Charlottesville.“Thank you Trump for supporting the violence.He didn't even care about Charlotte”. I used similes in my poem for example I said “Silver shackles, shining just like the moon” I am comparing the shine of the handcuffs to the moonlight. “Vivid images of my dreams flash like the police lights”In this line am comparing my dreams flashing in my mind like the cars on the police car. “My skin deep like the color of “your” coffee in the morning” This line is comparing the shade of peoples coffee with my skintone, I said this because coffee can be a variety of shades so that this can be anyone basically. I used Rhythm in my poem when I said “again” as well as repetition or anaphora.
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